Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Cium Jenazah Membatalkan Wudhuk?


saya dah cuba selak-selak dalam forum/soal jawab yang lepas tapi tak jumpa pulak persoalan saya ni, minta kelapangan sahabat untuk merungkaikan masalah saya.
masalah: orang yang bukan muhram mencium mayat apakah membatalkan wudhuk mayat? dan apakah yang perlu dilakukan sebenarnya.
sekian, wassalam.


بسم الله
والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه ومن والاه أما بعد

- Jumhur ulama berpendapat tidak batal wudhuk dengan sebab sentuhan antara lelaki dan wanita ajnabi. kalau masa hidup pun tidak batal wudhuk, maka lepas mati pun lebih aula tidak batal.

- Bagi yang berpegang hukum batal wudhuk jika bersentuhan lelaki dan wanita, seperti mazhab Syafie, maka pendapat yang muktamad dalam mazhab ialah: tidak wajib diulangi wudhu’ si mayat tersebut. Malahan, jika keluar najis daripada kemaluan mayat pun, tidak wajib diwudhukkan mayat itu, memadai dengan membasuhnya sahaja.

-Majmuk Nawawi 5/177.

Wallahu A’lam.


Selalu diperhatikan doa yang dipohon seolah-olah tidak diperkenankan oleh Allah. Adakah itu tanda doa ditolak?. Sebenarnya, doa manusia yang mencukupi syarat diperkenankan oleh Allah dalam tiga bentuk:

  1. Diperkenankan doanya ketika di dunia, dengan diberikan apa sahaja hajatnya.
  2. Doanya telah diperkenankan, tetapi hajatnya itu disimpan dan akan diberi di hari akhirat.
  3. Doanya telah diperkenankan, tetapi bukan dengan diberikan apa yang diminta, tetapi dengan cara diselamatkan dirinya dari bala bencana.

Daripada Abi Sa'id, sabda Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam : "Tidak ada seorang pun muslim yang berdoa kepada Allah Azza wa Jalla, dengan doa yang tidak berunsurkan maksiat atau memutuskan hubungan darah, melainkan diperkenankan oleh Allah salah satu antara tiga : samada dipercepatkan doanya di dunia, atau disimpan untuknya di hari Akhirat, atau dihindari daripada dirinya satu keburukan seumpamanya".

Apabila para sahabat mendengar ucapan baginda itu, mereka lantas berkata : "Kalau begitu Rasulullah, kita perlu banyakkan berdoa!". Kata baginda : "Demi Allah, banyakkanlah berdoa".(Riwayat Ahmad)

Justeru, manusia selalu tidak menyedari, doanya telah diperkenankan oleh Allah, tetapi dalam bentuk lain. Dia perlu meyakini apa yang ditentukan oleh Allah itulah yang terbaik untuk dirinya di dunia dan akhirat.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Top Time Management Tips for Teachers

Inevitably, teachers always seem to have more to do than there are hours in the day. Follow these steps to minimize wasted hours and get some of your personal time back.
Difficulty: Average
Time Required: 15-30 minutes

Here's How:

  1. Make a list of all the things that you need to get done in a given time period (day, week, month, etc.)
  2. Realistically approximate the amount of time each task will take to complete.
  3. Factor in easily overlooked tasks, such as transportation time and preparation.
  4. Eliminate any non-essential items.
  5. Prioritize the tasks in order of importance and urgency.
  6. Set about accomplishing these tasks as soon as possible, avoiding procrastination.


  1. Don't feel bad saying "no" to requests for you time that will just add extra stress to your life.
  2. Learn from colleagues and web sites to see how others have successfully managed their time.
  3. Remember: The basis of effective time management lies in the fact that we cannot accomplish every single thing that we would like to accomplish.

What You Need:

  • Note paper
  • Calendar
  • To Do List

How to remember facts fast and easy

I know that most of us have problems remembering facts and statistics especially as we are studying for our exams be it minor or major exams. Or probably, we tend to forget what we learnt from from the first few chapters as we go on to study the last few chapters. Hence, in this article I would like to share a few tips and methods on how to remember facts and points in a fast and concise manner (Since I have been doing a lot of memory work since I was 7, the following methods which I am going to share will be the ones which I have already tried and tested and they are proven to have worked for me.)

Things You Will Need

Ok. So here's what you will need: 1) A condusive place to study (preferably somewhere quiet for people who can't handle distractions every now and then.) 2) A considerable amount of time before your exams commence - Say, 1 to 2 months minimum depending on how much facts you will have to remember. The more facts, the more time you have to set aside for study. Remember: Success does not come without effort! So be prepared to sacrifice! 3) Rough papers or note books on which you will write your stuff on. (I normally use foolscap papers for my notes and writings.) 4) A voice ( you will know what it is for later.) 5) Patience and determination (these are VERY IMPORTANT!)

Step 1

Open your textbook or lecture notes on the topic(s) that you are planning to study for on that day. Read through briefly on the important points which are emphasised for the topic. It will help if there is a list of objectives which are supposed to be met at the end of every chapter. This will help keep your mind alert on which important points to look out for. When you're done with this, take out your rough papers (or whatever you can use to write on) and write the important points again and again several times on that piece of paper. After about 5 to 7 times writing (maybe more, maybe less depending on each individual), you will find that somehow the facts just 'stick' onto your brain.

Step 2

If you are more of an auditory or verbal kind of person, then after writing down your notes/points as in step one, say them out loud! After saying them a few times, try not to look and say it out loud again. You should be able to get it after a few tries. Do make sure that you have a glass of water in front of you as you will need them to wet your throat every now and then. *Tip: It will help a lot if your notes and concise and colourful. Draw a few patterns or change colours for different points and sub-points.

Step 3

If both those methods do not work, then, probably you are a visual kind of person. What I usually do if I am too lazy to recite and write down my stuff again and again, I will make things more fun by drawing! However, here's the catch, to make this method more effective, you have draw the pictures which relates to your facts adjacent to and TOUCHING each other! This is especially helpful for subjects like history and geography where sequencing is important. By drawing the pictures in this manner, I found that it somehow forces your mind to link the first object to the second one and the second to the third one and so on and so forth. Eg: If you are trying to remember that: "Everyday, after John wakes up in the morning, he goes to the toilet to brush his teeth. After which, he goes down to have his breakfast which usually consists of bread and egg...." You can draw: A toothbrush followed by a bread and egg stuck on its brushes (or whatever you can think of but make sure the sequence is there as it is the most important!) You can think of other creative ways to draw the picture too! Try it! *Note: If your facts come in a specific sequence, be sure to draw your pictures in sequence too!

Step 4

Next, for people who learns through music, you can compose your own 'lyrics' by using the facts and stuff in your studying material. After which, find a familiar melody you know which matches with those 'lyrics' you have written. This may take some time but quite fun if you have the time to do it. Once, I did one with the 'twinkle-twinkle little star' melody. I still remember it up till today!

Step 5

Finally, is the utilisation of mnemonics. From the various points contained in your facts, pick out the one word from each main point and make use of the first letter to create a word or a sentence. It will be best if it's something ridiculous as it will help your mind to remember it more.

There you go. Five methods of memorising and remembering facts! Remember to maintain your patience while trying to memorise stuff especially if you are a first-timer. What I found out is that, this memorising thing will get so much easier after a few successful tries as your brain is somehow used to it already. Do not stick to one method if you are sick of it, try other methods as well! Who knows, the 'newer' method may suit you better? GOOD LUCK!

Tips & Warnings